Studying while having ADHD can be challenging, especially when studying for exams. Thankfully, recent research has demonstrated that pupils only need to study differently rather than more.

The ADHD brain finds reading to be a difficult form of learning. It’s passive, similar to watching your coach play basketball to learn how to play yourself. Making a practice exam is the most effective study method. Look over your study guide, bring out previous quizzes, uncover important notes, and ask your classmates what they believe to be important in an effort to anticipate what your teacher may ask on the exam. Then design a practice exam.

In this blog, we’ll cover study tips for ADHD to make your child’s study time and homework time more productive — and more peaceful.

1. Set up a homework station

Children with ADHD require a consistent homework schedule. Create a designated area for your youngster to complete their schoolwork each day. Ensure that it is far from children, dogs, and other loud distractions like the TV or the front door. Keep paper, pencils, and any other items your youngster could require in it. But take care not to stock up too much. Additional pens and pencils can be a distraction.

2. Keep a Calendar

Large, obvious reminders will make it easier for kids with ADHD to stay on task. Get a huge wall calendar and hang it in a place where your child will view it frequently throughout the day. Post it near their desk or the wall in the kitchen. In order to indicate forthcoming assignments and school breaks, use colored markers or sticky notes.

3. Stay on schedule

For children with ADHD, having a daily schedule is essential. They require regular hours to complete their homework, eat dinner, and go to bed. If you run behind schedule, start over the following day. Your youngster will benefit from following a schedule, and there will be less begging, whining, and fighting.

4. Break up big tasks

When your child starts getting bigger assignments — dioramas, book reports, or term papers — that can be a big adjustment. Break it up into a series of smaller tasks, each one with a due date. Even teens with ADHD may need some help with scheduling big assignments and projects.

5. Set realistic goals

Rewards are great, but if they’re too big, like offering a new car to your teen if they get straight. As it can backfire. Long-term goals can be tricky for kids with ADHD to meet. A better plan is to set lots of little goals to meet within a day or a week for smaller, immediate rewards.

6. Understand your child’s learning style

Adapt study habits to the learner’s preferred learning style. For instance, if your child learns best through touch or models, you might encourage this. You might also suggest that your child record the information he is trying to memorize in writing. Touch the things he is counting with your finger. However, a visual learner might perform better reading their own class notes than listening to an oral review. The basic conclusion is that each child learns in a unique way. Finding a study method that works for the individual helps enhance comprehension and retention.

7. Use Timers

Kids with ADHD often lose track of time.. To keep track of the time, use the kitchen timer or the alarm on your watch or phone. Establish a time limit with your kid for each assignment. If they become sidetracked, the alert will help them get back on course.

8. Strategies for hard assignments

Does your child do their homework quickly in certain subjects but struggle in others? Let them alternate between them. Begin with the simpler assignment. For a short while, switch to the more difficult assignment, then switch back. Your child may experience less stress if you alternate.

9. Try writing out instructions

Does your child need assistance with doing their homework? Initially, describe the directions. Ask your kid to explain them to you. After that, write down or type out the detailed instructions and stick them up on the wall. Many children find that having a visual reminder is helpful.

10. Add breaks to your schedule

ADHD can make it hard to focus, especially if your child is studying a subject that’s not so interesting to him. Breaks are a must to help maintain focus and avoid burnout. Add a break time and encourage your child to eat a snack or even go for a quick walk with you. This quick little break allows the mind to reset! Bonus: if you choose to move around for the break, it will help burn off extra energy.

11. Know when to end the study session

Children with ADHD may find it difficult to control their emotions or become easily frustrated. Don’t push your child too hard; instead, encourage them to keep going. It is acceptable to end a study session if he or she has reached their breaking point. Praise your child when they finish their schoolwork or a study session, but keep in mind to recognize improvement and effort.

12. Mention the obvious

Steps that may seem straightforward to you should be included while assisting your child with their schoolwork. Put your assignment in your folder and place your folder in your backpack, for instance, as the final two steps. When delivering directions, the more specificity you can provide, the better.